In August 1965, in his remarks during the signing of the Voting Rights Act, President Lyndon Johnson said: “This act flows from a clear and simple wrong. Its only purpose is to right that wrong.” Fifty years later, voters in 22 states face strict new identification requirements that threaten to disenfranchise millions. This panel will examine the effects of voter identification requirements on voter turnout and participation, explore the difficulties and costs involved for many in obtaining required photo identification, and discuss the short and long-term prospects of challenging these laws in state and federal courts.
Panel including:
- Richard Sobel, author of the Houston Institute’s report The High Cost of ‘Free’ Photo Voter Identification Cards
- David Gersch, Senior Counsel, Arnold & Porter LLP and lead lawyer for plaintiffs who successfully challenged the Pennsylvania voter identification law passed in 2012
- Katherine Culliton-González, Senior Attorney and Director of Voter Protection, Advancement Project
- Moderated by Johanna Wald of the Houston Institute