• Jun 6, 2020

Affirming Equal Rights: A Community-Guided Assessment to Further Fair Housing

  • 12:00 - 2:00 PM
  • Zoom

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A virtual town hall meeting hosted by the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Community Advisory Committee, a coalition of housing and equity organizations including the Houston Institute

In the throes of the coronavirus, the ongoing inequities that define our nation and our city have been brought into full light. We must consider all of the options we have for addressing the underlying issues that have led to this crisis. It is widely recognized that disparities in housing opportunity and the denial of equal housing rights have played a significant role. The City of Boston embarked on a federally mandated assessment of fair housing (AFH) process to address these inequities. The assessment was centered around a community-guided process that included twelve community meetings and a great deal of research and planning. Join this open town hall meeting for the advisory group’s report of that process and the goals that grew out of it.

Keynote Speaker: Stella Adams, National Fair Housing Activist; Owner, S J Adams Consulting

Special Guest: Hon. Lydia Edwards, Boston City Councilor, District 1