• Oct 14, 2021

Legislative Briefing: Ending Life Without Parole

  • 12:00 PM
  • Register on Zoom

PART 2 : “Ending Life Without Parole”
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Massachusetts has the highest percentage of people serving life without parole sentences in the nation, followed by Louisiana. As of July 26, 2021, 1,013 people in Massachusetts are serving LWOP out of less than 6,000 criminally sentenced people in DOC custody. This means that one out of every six people incarcerated in Massachusetts state prisons is foreclosed from the opportunity to ever apply for parole.

Of the people serving LWOP, 600, or 59%, are BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) though only 28% of the Massachusetts population are BIPOC. Also known as “slow death row,” this sentence strips people of their hope and denies the human capacity to change. LWOP sentences waste taxpayer dollars and do not actually promote public safety.

Please join us on October 14th at 12:00 PM to learn about An Act to Reduce Mass Incarceration (H.1797), which would allow all people serving life sentences the opportunity for a parole hearing after serving 25 years.

Featured Speakers:

  • State Representative Liz Miranda, sponsor of An Act to Reduce Mass Incarceration
  • State Representative Jay Livingstone, sponsor of An Act to Reduce Mass Incarceration
  • Janet Connors, Survivor and Restorative Justice Practitioner
  • Keyon Sprinkle, exoneree
  • Karter Reed, Advocate, Activist, Mentor, Co-Chairperson of the Campaign to End Life Without Parole (CELWOP)
  • Regina Daughtry, Formerly incarcerated lifer, community organizer, working on transforming harm into creativity
  • Shanita Jefferson, daughter of a woman currently serving life without parole, advocate for people who have been harmed and people who have caused harm
  • Karen Pulido, mother of a person currently serving life without parole

Featured Bills:

  • An Act to Reduce Mass Incarceration (H. 1797) | Fact Sheet
    Rep. Miranda, Rep. Livingstone

Catch up with a recorded video from Part 1: Reforming Parole and Medical Parole to Enhance Public Safety on September 22, 2021.